
Aims of the SNSF

Transitional provisions

During the transition phase from 1 April 2018 to 1 October 2018, researchers have various options for obtaining grants for articles and books. The SNSF strives to make the transition as seamless and simple as possible for researchers. Grant holders can benefit from the advantages that the new rules offer immediately, even if the grants were approved before 1 April 2018.

For articles:

  • Grants for APCs awarded prior to 1 April 2018 can continue to be used in the scope of the approved grants after the introduction of the OA platform on 1 October 2018 (procedure according to current regulations).
  • Or: as of 1 October 2018, apply for APCs via the OA platform and use the grants awarded for APCs to cover other costs incurred in the project.

For already awarded, earmarked book grants, there are three options:

  • As of 1 April 2018, file an application in accordance with the new Regulations and refund earmarked resources to the SNSF: the publication will be in Gold OA and the grant holders will benefit from simplified application and higher publication grants. And publication will still be possible beyond the end of the project.
  • Repurposing the grant as a BPC during the funding period: this option, too, offers grantees the benefit of a Gold OA publication. However, the awarded, earmarked grants will not be adjusted and the article will have to be published during the funding period.
  • Before the project ends, use the earmarked funds for a digital publication in accordance with the previous regulations: Open Access will only apply for the book after an embargo period of 24 months. The awarded amounts will be valid, and the publication will have to take place before the end of the funding period.