
Open Access book publications

Participation requirements

  • The book has to be freely accessible without delay (Gold Open Access).
  • The SNSF finances book publications that result from an SNSF-funded project as well as book publications that are not linked to an SNSF project.
  • It provides financial support for peer-reviewed monographs and anthologies. Doctoral theses and habilitations are regarded as monographs if they are edited by a publisher with a view to publishing them as a book. The SNSF does not award grants for textbooks, special issues of journals, conference proceedings, new editions or translations.
  • The SNSF pays for publishing services with regard to quality control, book production and distribution. The costs are covered by book processing charges (BPCs) that can be applied for via the OA platform (mySNF). Article 11 of the Regulations on the funding of Open Access publications offers details regarding the BPC grant amount and the publishing services of each module.
  • The author or the editor submits the application.
  • Grant applications for book publications resulting from a project financed by the SNSF can be submitted even after the end of the project by either the grantees or project employees; this is an open-ended option without any time limitation.
  • Applicants who apply for a grant for a book publication that is not linked to an SNSF project must meet the personal requirements for applicants pursuant to Article 10 of the Funding Regulations. Grant applications for monographs that are the result of a doctoral thesis or a habilitation can be submitted even if Article 10 is not fulfilled, as long as the thesis or habilitation was defended and accepted at a Swiss university.
  • Grant applications for book publications can be submitted as soon as the manuscript has gone through the peer-review process organised by the publisher and the necessary documentation is available.
  • Monographs or anthologies may not be published prior to the SNSF’s decision to award BPCs.
  • Grantees whose grant already includes a sum reserved for publications need to comply with the transitional provisions according to Article 19 of the Regulations on the funding of Open Access publications.

How To

The applications can be submitted via the mySNF platform at any time. As part of the application, the documentation of the publisher’s peer review process needs to be submitted along with the latest manuscript (adapted according to the peer-review).


Evaluation and decision

The evaluation of the applications is generally completed within two months.


Submission deadline

Applications can be submitted all year round.


Publication grants